Congressman Joe Morelle announced today final provisions to lower the cost of insulin to $35 per month for Medicare recipients have taken effect this month. Congressman Morelle helped pass the landmark legislation in 2022 after years of fighting to lower the cost of prescription drugs.
“I’ve heard from too many people in my community that have had to ration doses or stop taking insulin altogether due to its outrageously high cost. Thankfully, for many families and individuals, those days are over,” said Congressman Joe Morelle. “Last year, I voted to pass legislation to reign in the inflated cost of insulin, and I’m proud to see prices finally coming down. Now, I’m working to extend these cost-saving benefits to everyone—because no one should be forced to choose between refilling their prescriptions and putting food on their table.”
Provisions to lower the cost of insulin, a prescription medication millions of diabetes patients across the country rely on to survive, were passed into law as part of the Inflation Reduction Act last year. On January 1, 2023, the $35/month cap on insulin took effect under Medicare Part D, and just this month it was extended to those who receive insulin through a traditional insulin pump under Medicare Part B and Medicare Advantage. Roughly 4 million New Yorkers are currently enrolled in some form of Medicare insurance program and will benefit from this price cut.
In 2019, Rep. Morelle commissioned a report by the House Committee on Oversight and Reform showing the price of insulin for diabetic patients in Monroe County is roughly 21 times more expensive than the identical medicine is in Australia, 14 times more than in the United Kingdom, and 12 times more than it is just across the border in Canada. Even worse, studies show that manufacturers could charge as little as $7-$11 per month for Insulin and still make a profit—yet prices for these drugs continue to rise to over $450 per month. The legislation passed last year took steps to address this injustice for Medicare beneficiaries, and now Rep. Morelle is working to extend this benefit to everyone, regardless of their age.
Throughout his career, Congressman Morelle has led the charge to lower prescription drug costs and make healthcare more affordable, and accessible for all. To learn more about Congressman Morelle’s work, visit his website here.