KENMORE — The remodeling of the new Kenmore Village Improvement Society (KVIS) office space and gift shop called Made for Good is nearly completed. Hundreds of volunteer hours have been donated to improve the space located at 7 Warren Avenue, at the corner of Delaware Avenue in Kenmore. Volunteer Matthew Mang has expertly completed the drywall and plastering of the space, readying it for the paint, flooring, and lighting to follow; Evan Fell has also helped prepare the space.
The KVIS receives its funding through sponsorship of Society events and initiatives. Opening the Made for Good shop is a way to help create a more reliable and constant revenue stream while supporting local artisans and makers. The new KVIS office will be a place where events, meetings, and classes will take place. It will also serve as a way for the com munity building of the KVIS to combine and interact with the activities of the Made for Good shop as the two spaces are connected. The shop and office are scheduled to open in early May.
The KVIS is a group of volunteers celebrating 15 years of serving the community. We strive to help make our neck of the woods as good as possible in as many ways as needed. Membership to the KVIS is free and open to all people living anywhere who care about Kenmore.
For more information:
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