It was the Spring of 2008 when the Kenmore Village Improvement Society held its first meeting. Now the all-volunteer group is celebrating 15 years of serving the community. The group has given hundreds of thousands of volunteer hours through the years through events and initiatives that address problems and create a better quality of life in the Kenmore area. Membership to the KVIS is open to all people living anywhere who care about Kenmore.
This year, the calendar of events includes free events that the public love like the Children’s Concert Series, Dog Days of Kenmore, the Gigantic Kenmore Garage Sale, and Kenmore in Bloom. The KVIS will continue to decorate the village seasonally and do the planting and care of the point gardens at the village green where Delaware Ave and Delaware Rd meet, as well as the library garden. New initiatives through the KVIS Be Well Committee include a meditation group, weight loss and wellness group, helpful videos of healthy cooking by a member who is a Chef, and a resource to help give better sleep called, “Give Me A Dream.” Other initiatives include Cherish our Trees and Save the Bees, Share Fest Kenmore, Onesies for Newborns, Kenmore Cookbook, New Residents Welcome, Good Neighbor Guide and Award, Playful Kenmore.
Volunteers are needed for KVIS events and initiatives, just reach out to the KVIS via email or through the volunteer form on the website to help. The KVIS meets on the second Monday of each month at 7 pm. Meetings are by Zoom until May when in person meetings will resume. Should you wish to attend a Zoom meeting, please email the KVIS at mail@villageofkenmore.com and the meeting link will be sent to you. Meetings are open to all.