WASHINGTON, DC – Today, January 17th, Congressman Nick Langworthy released the following statement after his appointment to the House Agriculture Committee.
“I am honored to have been selected by Chairman GT Thompson and my colleagues to serve on the House Agriculture Committee. Western New York and the Southern Tier have a rich agriculture history from small family farms getting passed down from generation to generation to an up-and-coming agritourism destination. However, family farms have struggled as a result of policy changes from people who do not understand the agriculture industry. I will be a tireless fighter to protect their livelihood when the Farm Bill is up for negotiation and deliver results they need to thrive,” said Congressman Langworthy
“The House Committee on Agriculture will hit the ground running in the 118th Congress to address the many headwinds facing farm families and rural America. I am pleased to welcome to Rep. Langworthy to the Committee and I’m confident he will be a great agriculture advocate for upstate New York,” said Chairman Glenn “GT” Thompson