AMHERST — There will be a Special Meeting of the Town Board this Monday April 27th at 6 pm. This will be a video only meeting where the PUBLIC must be able to attend since it is a public hearing that most likely will result in a “small” tax increase for all residents. So if you have the time and the interest use your computer or smartphone to log into a Zoom meeting.
Meeting ID: 865 274 878
Password: 024750
Password: 024750
This could be a good time for many of us to test how committed the Town of Amherst is to actually listening to the public. Even if you do not intend to speak, you can listen in on the meeting. One bit of advice, you do not need to activate your video camera if you do not want to be seen. Also you can use any name you like in the Zoom profile information.
Special meeting FULL Agenda:
The Town Board members will be voting remotely over a video link. I wonder what the existing law or laws cover this?
Apparently the current Town Comptroller retired, and a new Comptroller will be appointed. It’s an interesting time to break in a new comptroller during a pandemic, and the associated Executive Orders by the Supervisor “supposedly” limiting the operation of the Town Government and the Planning Board.