The All WNY 2020 Calendar Contest is underway and submissions have been filing into All WNY’s inbox for the contest.

The deadline for submissions for January photos is today. We’ve decided to move the deadline for January photos from noon to 8 p.m. in order to give people extra time to get the photos in.

“We expect the contest to grow as it goes, but January submissions are a little light, to be honest,” said All WNY Publisher Scott Leffler. “We decided to give folks a few extra hours to get the photos in for the first month.”

Deadlines for other months will remain as they were originally posted — noon.

The contest has no theme but it is expected that the photos will be Western New York-specific. “I’ve had people ask what we’re looking for,” Leffler said. “We just want the photos to scream ‘Western New York.’ “

In the end, though, it’s up to the voters to decide what graces the calendar’s pages. It will be judged on Instragram beginning tomorrow. The Instagram photos will also be embedded into a daily post here at

Every two days, a new month will be added to All WNY News’ Instagram feed and the most likes per month (after 7 days) will be deemed the winner.

Winners will receive bragging rights, $50 and 12 calendars.

Submissions should be emailed to, including the name of the photographer (submitter) and the month the submission is for.

Click here for the full rules and schedule.