ZUPPELLI – Joseph Otto of Amherst, passed away peacefully on August 1, 2019, after a 10-year battle with Alzheimer’s. He leaves behind his other half, his partner in crime and soulmate, Roxanne Zuppelli (nee Wilson). Joe and Roxanne, would have celebrated 53 years of marital bliss, adventures, and hilarity this month. Joe was the biggest cheerleader for his daughters, Kimberly (Paul) and Dawn (Jose); and his granddaughters, Zarha, Maddison and Emily. He was a humble man with many achievements to his credit, this includes Air Force Service for his country, a career in the trucking industry with Smith & CP Trucking Companies, and over 10 adventure fillled years with Roxanne as a restaurateur at the sucessful Roxanne’s Restaurant(s) in Williamsville, Kenmore, and Grand Island. His heart was filled with generosity and kindness, and he will be best remembered for his witty and sarcastic humor. The devotion to his family was unwavering, and he will be missed beyond measure.
A Memorial Mass will be held at the convenience of the family. Donations may be made in Joseph’s memory to the Alzhiemer’s Association.