I’m hoping this one goes a little easier than the last one. Of course, you can catch my previous Gospels right here. And if you dig those, and this one, be sure to stay tuned. I’m not done with this yet.
In techdeath’s never ending evolution, so should that “Big Four” evolve. I’ve chosen these four based on their current popularity, their ongoing musical progression, and my high expectations for them in the future. It was tough, but I can’t imagine that many will be inclined to disagree. Feel free to fight me, though.
Archspire– It’s no secret that Archspire’s success comes from their extreme speed and complexity, a rather unique vocalist, a hint of jazzy ambiance, and just a smidgen of humor throughout their PR campaigns. It’s tough to say without sounding super cliche, but these guys really do take technical to a whole new level. Their creativity and precision, compounded by how damn fast they are is positively stupefying. Their riffs still hold a fair amount of groove, especially considering how fast they are. And they’re always well complicated by intricate basslines and outstanding drumwork.
Oh, landing a Juno nomination is a pretty big deal too. Surprisingly, they’re not the only ones on this list nationally recognized for their musical prowess. It’s awesome to see such an extreme band catch the attention of the larger music awards, further exposing the masses to the still pretty underground. Archspire are doing a superb job spearheading the modern tech sound, and I bet if you blink, you’ll miss something.
You can catch Archspire headlining Tech Trek IV with Inferi, Virvum, Wormhole, and a host of other sick locals (*wink*) from early May to June.

Beyond Creation– As much as I’m not enveloped by their music, uou can always thank Cannibal Corpse for bringing up and coming underground death metal on tour with them. Thus was my first introduction to Beyond Creation, many moons ago in 2013. I was absolutely smitten with their ambient technicality and proggy song structure. And I’d be lying if I said it had nothing to do with their prominent bass riffs and solos. A couple well placed breakdowns for the once deathcore kid were an added bonus. Since then, it’s been quite a trip watching their music evolve and mature, along with watching their popularity explode from regional opener to world tours with death metal giants like Exhumed.
Beyond Creation was the latest techdeath band to be nominated for a Juno, and I can’t help but think that maybe the Grammies should start taking Canada’s lead in discovering actual metal bands for their “best metal album” category. Jussayin’!

Obscura- I don’t think this list would be complete without the almighty Obscura, especially having hosted the likes of Hannes Grossmann, Christian Münzner, and Tom Geldschläger. Of course, my knowledge of the band could be much more substantial, but as far as I’m concerned, these dudes first toured America on a Cannibal Corpse tour, further proving my statement about them in the blurb above.
I was fortunate enough to catch the on their Diluvium Amerika tour last year with.. the two bands above. Plus the melodic goodness of Inferi and proggy weirdness of Exist.
One does not simply name oneself after a Gorguts album and write subpar music.
The Faceless– Man, I don’t even wanna hear slack about this one. I’ve placed them on this list primarily for their musical evolution from technical deathcore in their early years, to a progressive and technical death metal band with their last couple releases. And, despite frequent and at times full lineup changes, a metric ton of bad press and some personal issues, Michael Keene has proven that regardless of such immense obstacles, The Faceless isn’t yet ready to call it quits. And I think that merit deserves some serious credit that is still owed to him.
I also have a massive soft spot for The Faceless; for helping bridge the gap between the deathcore I once loved so, to the technical that I am currently enveloped by. Watching Keene and current company absolutely nail Planetary Duality in it’s entirety, and then some last winter solidified my hopes for a positive outlook for the band. In Becoming a Ghost was a bit of a disappointment compared to the likes of Autothiesm, but I hold high expectations for their future releases.

Originally published on Technical Music Review. Republished with permission.

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