Anabasis is a 6 piece progressive metal band from Syracuse, which is kind of local to us Buffalonians. “Gas Chamber” was a really heavy, straightforward banger that was quite a cliffhanger leaving fans in a curious frenzy what was to come next. And, alas….”Of Conviction” was what was birthed next. Now if you supported the band’s recent Indiegogo campaign, you “may” have received the album before it’s official release date. And holy crap, thankfully I did. The other killer news for the guys is IT IS FULLY FUNDED so that means they’ll be keeping it up for a few more days! You can grab a digital copy, a cd with a digital version, a t- shirt, a female tank top or even all of that swag! Oh, and all of that together is a mere $35 donation all together….for the quality of music you will be receiving, that’s a fine deal. And, you can also just donate for the hell of it out of the niceness of your own heart….which would be sweet. Get on this before the shut down the campaign!
Now onto the actual music and meticulous impressive debut album from Anabasis. If you like modern progressive music, you may want to step back if your heart and ears are set on classic prog music. If not open your eyes and ears to this great band. Anabasis carefully blends classic and modern progressive metal and ambience perfectly right here. They have fused classic and modern progressive music for prog nerds of all ages. Anabasis sprinkled some Dream Theater inspired keyboard melodies, some Contortionist and Between The Buried And Me mood changing sections and some good ‘ol Tesseract rhythms here and there. But wanna know what’s sweeter? They have a totally different take on modern progressive metal. There are many instrumental sections that are keyboard led and sometimes just the instrument itself. It’s almost like there’s classical music shoved in their wild sound, somewhere if you can find it.
David Reid – drums; Patrick Young – vocals, guitar; Brad Devore – guitar; Steve Losurdo – piano, synth; Dylan Lundgren – guitar; A.J. Piszcz – bass
What really drew me into Anabasis was how slick and professional they are. The band’s appearance is professional, and not half assed Facebook pictures, The album is pretty well mixed as well, considering everything they have including vocal and guitar harmonies. My point is, you aren’t getting a new band with cheap promotion musically and visually. As you can see above, their artwork is sweet too. Just like other Western Ne w York locals (and some favorites of mine) Divinex and Turning Virtue they have that “next level professionalism” for an unsigned band. All 3 groups have everything I just mentioned, and all should be signed to a great record label that will actually promote them.
OH…..and if you know about our podcast METALLURGY you may have heard a song from the album somewhere in our last episode! OH BOI GET ON IT
Anabasis truly blows my feeble mind at the great music they have crafted and molded into an impressive debut full length. Unfortunately, I hope they don’t fall down that hole with a great debut (as many bands can pull off) and then waver in and out since that magical debut. So far, it sure as hell doesn’t look like Anabasis will be in that unfortunate company. After listening to “Of Conviction” a handful of times already…..I am not sick of it, but am equally as excited for what will follow. Congratulations to Anabasis on a great album! Well done guys!
Originally published on Technical Music Review. Republished with permission.