By James Tricoli
In Sunday’s Buffalo News, in Bob McCarthy’s Opinion article, Mr. McCarthy mentions East Aurora resident Michael Caputo, the one time washed up political pundit who supports President Trump and Trump’s close friend Roger Stone, the same Roger Stone who said he will lie if he’s subpoenaed to talk to Muller’s investigators about Russia’s interference in the 2016 election to ensure Trump’s election.
Stone has lived the high life but now he’s complaining he’s broke due to legal bills. Mr.Caputo is a protégé of Roger Stone. He established a GoFundMe page that netted $370,000 for his own fights with congressional hearings but he plans to give the money to those who are being persecuted by Mr. Mueller.
Michael Caputo said, “Roger has lost everything, and I pledge to you every cent will go to pay the costs he’s incurring due to his two-year torture.” Michael, can you honestly compare his “torture” to what Senator John McCain suffered for America or the torture other true American patriots have endured?
Roger Stone isn’t a patriot, he is a stooge as are you to a President who is trying to split our country for his own gain and for his stooges’ profit. Mr. Caputo, you are a disgrace to your country. What you and your group of unfeeling people deserve is to go down as the enemies of America instead of defending America from people who are spreading hate in our country.
James Tricoli is editor of
Originally published on Amherst Times. Republished with permission.