BUFFALO — BlueCross BlueShield of Western New York today announced an innovative partnership with HEALTHeLINK that will support physicians and improve health outcomes for BlueCross BlueShield members. Using HEALTHeLINK’s secure data exchange platform, specific claims data will be available to local participating physicians.
BlueCross BlueShield of Western New York is the first local plan to share full claims data with HEALTHeLINK, It will allow local physicians to improve care coordination, identify and close gaps in care, and focus on preventive care. Physicians will be able to access the consented data through a secure digital platform beginning in 2019.
HEALTHeLINK allows for the exchange of clinical information, improves medical efficiency and quality, and helps control health-care costs. It also allows doctors to send and access clinical data electronically with a patient’s permission.
“The spirit of collaboration continues as we explore the next steps in leveraging HEALTHeLINK to support the health of our community,” said Daniel E. Porreca, HEALTHeLINK executive director.
“Combining clinical and claims data from across the community gives providers a more complete picture of their patient’s health.”
“Sharing data in this capacity, strengthens physicians’ ability to provide well-coordinated, high-quality care to our members,” said Dr. Thomas Schenk, the health plan’s senior vice president and chief medical officer. “We are proud to be the first health plan in the region to take this step, and believe it’s reflective of our commitment to the overall health of our members and community. The more transparency that we can have between payers and providers, the more effective we can be in making a long-term impact on the overall health of Western New Yorkers,” Schenk added.
Originally posted by Buffalo Healthy Living Magazine . Republished with permission.