RENSSELAER, N.Y. — New York State’s bulk power system as planned is adequate to meet reliability needs for the next decade, according to the New York Independent System Operator’s 2018 Reliability Needs Assessment (RNA)

As part of the NYISO’s Comprehensive System Planning Process, every two years, the NYISO conducts an RNA, which assesses the resource adequacy and the transmission security of the New York Control Area (NYCA) bulk power transmission system. The 2018 RNA evaluated expected NYCA conditions from 2019 through 2028. The 2018 RNA finds that resource adequacy and transmission security criteria are met throughout the study period.

“The NYISO’s mission is to ensure a reliable and resilient electric grid for all New Yorkers, and looking ahead to the power delivery needs of the next decade is part of that assurance,” said Interim President and CEO Rob Fernandez. “This report offers an objective and thorough assessment of the state’s future electric reliability needs.”

The 2018 RNA was developed through the NYISO’s shared governance process, which provides input from regulators and market participants who supply, consume, transmit and transact energy in New York’s competitive wholesale electricity markets. By identifying future reliability needs every two years through its planning process, the NYISO’s RNA process provides vital information to enable market forces to respond to system reliability needs.

The next stage is for the NYISO to conduct and issue its follow up report, the Comprehensive Reliability Plan, which will describe the plan and potential risks for maintaining reliability for the same ten-year planning horizon. The NYISO will continue to track the progress of planned projects and monitor system conditions that could give rise to a reliability need before the next RNA.

Download the 2018 Reliability Needs Assessment here.