The meeting was held at 6:00 p.m. Many people show up at the Open Government Advisory Board to asked questiont of the two candidates running for the Town Clerk office. The meeting was held at 6:00 p.m. in Town Hall this  past Thursday.

This meeting was going to be held on October 13 but one of the candidates asked if it could be held of  Oct. 25th. Arrangement were made to contact  the members of the to change the night the candidates will be at our meeting.
The two people running for the Town Clerk position in this upcoming election on November 6th. Both of the candidate  agreed to be there on the 25 th. Our group received a phone call from one of candidates.  He could be there without giving any explanation why not.

The one candidate who did show up was Fran Spoth. She was asked questions from the people in the audience. She was there for about a 3/4 of a hour  answering questions. She clearly knew the duties of the clerk’s office. She said for the working people who can’t get to the clerks office because of time  problems she will pushing for hours on Saturday mornings.

The audience and the Board which sponsor this event would have loved to have the two candidates attended.

Originally published on Amherst Times. Republished with permission.