NEW YORK, N.Y. — Today, Common Cause/NY, along with nine other nonprofits, issued a letter to Assembly Speaker Heastie and Senate Majority Leader Flanagan, calling for public hearings to solicit feedback from experts, advocates, victims, and other stakeholders on how best to protect New Yorkers from gender-based discrimination and sexual harassment in the workplace.
“It’s more important than ever for Albany lawmakers to stand with survivors and hold #metoo public hearings,” said Susan Lerner, Executive Director of Common Cause/NY, “and not take a cue from the federal government and steamroll over millions of women who protested the appointment of Judge Kavanaugh. We can’t have the strongest laws in the nation without input from experts and victims.”

Strong sexual harassment legislation requires input from experts, advocates, and those who have experienced sexual harassment themselves. New York State has not held a public hearing on sexual harassment since 1992.

The entire letter can be found HERE.