AMHERST, N.Y. — There are times when the best of reporters are totally fooled when interviewing candidates. I actually believed the person I was interviewing. He seemed to be sincere and truthful. It turned out I was duped by his performance. His actions since our interview have clearly demonstrated that he is a pawn of the Republican leadership to get him into an important position in Amherst government as our new Town Clerk. Jeffrey Zeplowitz is a puppet.
His attack on the new supervisor and his budget is a deliberate action to discredit our town Supervisor. The new budget hasn’t been completed yet but a person loyal to the Republicans who works in the Town Clerk’s office made sure Jeff Zeplowitz, the candidate for the Town Clerk’s office in the upcoming November 6th election, got the information on the sly. This major leak will be either replaced or shipped to a different department .
Zeplowitz has accused Town Supervisor Brain Kulpa of wasting money. He had also sent out those sickening ROBO calls telling the residents that our Supervisor is raising our taxes. Jeff Zeplowitz has no knowledge of what the increase in our taxes will be but his ROBO calls make Kulpa sound his mind is like scrambled eggs and confused. Our taxes will be 1.7 or $12.00 on a hundred thousand dollar home.
Zeplowitz is running for Town Clerk, not Town Supervisor. If he believes attacking the well liked Supervisor will endear him to loyal Republican voters he may well be right, just like they will most likely vote for Chris Collins.
Mr. Zeplowitz’s next ROBO call should tell the truth about who made put Amherst into the mess Brian Kulpa inherited. The budgets for the last 12 years were created by Republican Supervisors Satish Mohan and Barry Weinstein. Satish made out our Town budget for 4 years and Weinstein made out the following town budgets by himself for the next 8 years.
It’s senseless for Mr. Zeplowitz to continue to run his campaign for Amherst Town Clerk by attacking Supervisor Kulpa unless he is trying to make a name for himself so you can run for Amherst Town Supervisor. Quite an interesting situation.
Originally published on Amherst Times. Republished with permission.