BUFFALO, N.Y. — Today, at 12:35 PM, U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand will visit Save the Michaels of the World, Inc. in Buffalo to push for funding to combat the opioid epidemic and support prescription drug monitoring programs that help prevent opioid abuse and prescription fraud. The Senate is expected to vote on the Opioid Crisis Response Act this week, a major legislative package that would create new programs and funding streams to prevent and respond to the opioid epidemic.
The Opioid Crisis Response Act is a new legislative package that reauthorizes and improves existing programs at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Department of Justice (DOJ), and creates new programs and funding opportunities to support federal, state, and local efforts to prevent and respond to the opioid crisis. Gillibrand has been fighting for the package to include language and funding to support programs in New York State and across the country that help prevent opioid abuse and prescription fraud, such as the I-STOP Prescription Drug Monitoring Program used in New York State.