This week’s featured show is Friday night’s Holtz A Palooza at Buffalo Iron Works. Josh Holtzman is an idol in the local music scene, and he is getting married! Thus a 90s Stag Party is staged for this Friday, August 31st at the one and only Buffalo Iron Works! Doors open at 8:00pm, $25 covers 3 hours of open bar, a food buffet from Left Coast Taco, live music from Kurt and The Loders, & a Silent Auction with Raffle Items! Guys and Gals are both welcome to this party! Josh is known as the General Manager at Buffalo Iron Works, along with being a Consultant at Larkin Square, the Co-Founder of Cobblestone Live, and Site Operations Manager at Borderland Music + Arts Festival. He spent many a year managing Buffalo’s jam pioneers Aqueous causing their to fame, and continues to help bands small & large alike grow and prosper here in Buffalo, NY!
/// Other Shows ///

Greg Burt is a Concert Promoter/Sound Guy/Music Supporter/Keyboardist/etc. He can be reached at For the full FTMP show calendar, visit