AMHERST, N.Y. — Friday (5 – 9 pm) and Saturday (8:30 am – 4:30 pm) at Daemen College, Wick Campus Center, 4380 Main St, Amherst, NY 14226
Time is flying by as we prepare for another great upcoming conference. The 15th annual forum will once again be hosted by Daemen College. We look forward to an eventful weekend exploring many food-related issues from soil quality to the impact of food on our individual bodies as well as the entire earth.
This year, in addition to our esteemed Native American co-sponsor, Indigenous Women’s Initiatives, we are joined by the NAACP – Rev. Mark Blue, President, Buffalo Branch. Sarah van Gelder, author & co-founder of YES Magazine along with Jacqui Patterson, Director of the NAACP Environmental and Climate Justice Program will be our featured speakers. As always there will be multiple workshops, vendors, informational tables and entertainment.
Daemen’s Hallmark chef & sous chefs graciously prepare a locally grown, organic, vegetarian lunch. Produce is donated by our local organic farmers and each year the cafeteria chef & staff comes up with a spectacular lunch without any knowledge beforehand of what will be delivered! Not just a true culinary delight but amazing skill!
The event will culminate with a closing celebration with music, cider and possibly a glass of wine. A great time to relax with friends, network, or check out vendors & informational tables (get a head start on some holiday shopping!), raffle baskets, & door prize. There will be a seed exchange: Be sure to save you favorite heirloom or non-hybrid seeds and bring them with you to exchange at the event.
Ticket prices remain the same as last year: $10 – $35 (students pre-registered & with ID are free). Includes all meals and activities. Financial assistance is available.
For more information: www.worldonyourplate.orgor 716-741-8815. Written correspondence and checks can be sent to WOYP, in care of Riverside-Salem UCC, POB 207, Grand Island, NY 14072.
If you are interested in being a sponsor, vendor, workshop presenter, would like to volunteer to help out or have questions, please visit our website at www.worldonyourplate.org or contact: June Licence at jlicence@buffalo.edu or 716-773-1426 or Eveline Hartz at aehartz@roadrunner.comor 716-741-8815
Originally posted by Buffalo Healthy Living Magazine . Republished with permission.
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