There are heroes all among us, including in the refrigerator!
Saturday, August 11 is the Bisons annual Superhero Night at the Ballpark with over 50 of your favorite heroes and villains, an amazing postgame on-field show and of course fireworks, presented by NCCC. This year, the team is sporting ‘Super Celery’ jerseys in honor of Buffalo’s favorite racing mascot!
As is customary, all of the jerseys worn on Superhero Night will be autographed by the players following the game. Some will be raffled off that night, but right now is your chance to take all doubt out of the equation and own one today!
Our annual Superhero Night Jersey Auction is officially underway. BID NOW and you could win one of TEN Super Celery jerseys that are up for auction. Remember, these jerseys will NOT be sold in stores. The only way to guarantee yourself a jersey is to win one of our auctions.
Proceeds of all auctions benefit The Superhero Race & Wellness Walk. Since 1985, the annual 5K provides the opportunity for people to show their support and “save the day” by helping to raise funds and awareness for mentorship and advocacy programs..
Bidding will run until 5:00 p.m. eastern on Friday, August 10.The jerseys up for auction include: