WILLIAMSVILLE — Carillon Concert Series 40th Season will take place at 7 p.m. on four consecutive Wednesdays at Calvary Episcopal Church, 20 Milton St.
First Carillon performance and a 2nd half of concert is the guest band. Donations are welcome. Bring your lawn chair or blanket, and bring a picnic or buy food there.
In case of inclement weather, both portions of the concert will be inside.
Handicapped access is available through the double doors off the parking lot for an elevator.
Park in the municipal lot off Cayuga, as Milton Street will be closed to traffic from Cayuga to Pasadena.
- July 18 – Carillonneur James Fackenthal and The Les Davis Jazz Quartet and members of the Colored Musicians Club
- July 25 — Carillonneur Gordon Slater and Penny Whiskey
- August 1 — Carillonneur Carlo van Ulft and Celtic Spirit Pipe Band
- August 8 — Carillonneur Richard Watson and “Mike and Mandy”
Originally published on Amherst Times. Republished with permission.