ROCHESTER, N.Y. — More hard-hitting than a tombstone pile driver delivered by The Undertaker…more entertaining than Chris Jericho geting over a pen and a clipboard as a gimmick…filled with as much drama as the Bret Hart-Shawn Michaels Iron Man Match…it’s the Red Wings’ first ever Salute to Pro Wrestling Night Wednesday, August 22. The event is presented by Airport Transmission and Cricket Wireless.

The highlights read like a super card of inter-promotional dream matches with:
* a special appearance by WWE Hall of Famer and New York Times best-selling author Mick Foley – who will sign autographs and take pictures with fans, and take part in a Pre-Game Live interview sure to be as entertaining and emotional than Mankind’s “This Is Your Life” tribute to The Rock. Foley will sign autographs for fans in the concourse near the Red Wings Hall of Fame from 6 pm until 6:40 pm. He will throw out the first pitch, then sign for fans again from 7:05 until 8 pm.
* the first 1,000 fans 18 and older will get a bobble head of Mick in one of the most controversial and unique bobble head sculptures ever, courtesy of Cricket Wireless and Airport Transmission (this giveaway should put a lot of butts in seats that night, huh?)
* fans are encouraged to dress as their favorite pro wrestler (PG era, please) for the chance to be part of special wrestling-themed on-field promotions including the Finger Poke of Doom, a two out of three falls thumb wrestling match with Foley, Name That Ring Entrance Tune, Paul Heyman Promo showdown, proof reading old Wrestling Observer newsletters to see who can find the most grammar and syntax errors (magnifying glasses provided), and more.
* the greatest wrestling entrance themes of all time played for the Wings’ walk-up songs
* shoot appearances by local indy pro wrestlers, and storyline surprises that will rival Seth Rollins turning against his brothers in The Shield
* an undefined yet ultra-special role for Andrew “The Authority” Joseph, one of the original hosts of “The Pain Clinic” radio show
* the whole night will be more carefully thought out and crafted than any late 2000-early 2001 Monday Nitro episode you suffered through
It’s true, it’s true – pro wrestling takes over Frontier Field August 22. Smart marks stay home – the whole night will be kayfabe. Don’t be one of those jabronis who waits to read about it later in the dirt sheets; order your tickets today for the greatest promotion night the baseball and wrestling worlds have ever seen. Salute to Pro Wrestling Night August 22….as the great Freddie Miller would say, “Don’t miss it – beeee there.”
WWE Hall of Famer Mick Foley has produced some of the most memorable, spectacular moments in every pro wrestling promotion he has appeared in. He served as the General Manager of WWE Monday Night Raw from July 2016 through March 2017, and he and his family were the subjects of the WWE Network reality series, “Holy Foley.” He has spent this summer criss-crossing the country with his sold out one-man show, “20 Years of Hell” commemorating his famous Hell in a Cell match against The Undertaker on June 28, 1998.
Foley attended SUNY Cortland in the 1980’s, has family in the Finger Lakes area, and is a noted consumer of Zweigle’s hot dogs as well as a fan of the band Me and the Boyz. His son Dewey, currently a writer’s assistant for the WWE, was a Red Wings media relations/online content assistant in 2014.
Foley is also a multiple-time New York Times best-selling author, and a noted philanthropist – supporting RAINN, Child-Fund International, and other causes. Foley has appeared on TV’s The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, Robot Wars, Boy Meets World, Family Feud, and Celebrity Wife Swap. Foley’s most recent book is Saint Mick: My Journey From Hardcore Legend to Santa’s Jolly Elf, published in 2017.