Tired of all those single-use plastic bags piling up?
Learn how to make a reusable bag from a T-shirt on June 2 when the Town of Amherst holds its Earth Day celebration at the Williamsville Farmers Market. The event from 9 a.m. until noon will be held at the market in the Amherst Town Hall parking lot.
The event is hosted by the Amherst Conservation Advisory Council and Amherst Recycling and Waste Committee. Members of those committees will show the public how to make their own reusable bag. Bring your own T-shirt, or use a donated T-shirt. Completed T-shirt bags will also be available to market shoppers.
Prior to the event, donations of clean, gently used T-shirts may be brought to the bins in Amherst Town Hall, 5583 Main St.
Originally published on Amherst Times. Republished with permission.