Unflesh is about to release a killer album in a few weeks and it seriously shreds……hard. “Savior” is one of the best releases of 2018 overall, and probably the best independent release that I know of.
TMR: What was it like working with one of the best drummers in Hannes Grossman? The guy is legitimate drumming gold.
Ryan Beevers: It was great, he’s extraordinarily good at what he does! Definitely a great experience!
TMR: Ryan what is it like going to school at the prestigious Berklee College of Music? And do you think it adds a stigma whether its positive or negative just because someone is attending their school? If you go to Berklee… must be perfect, right? Like Dream Theater?
Ryan Beevers: Well, I myself personally am going to school at Berklee for very different reasons than doing Unflesh. I look at them as two different worlds with completely different motivations. I have no concern or interest about people’s opinion regarding this.
TMR: Your sound is so fresh and so unique compared to many technical and progressive death metal bands these days……how tough is it to keep such an original sound in a slightly repetitive genre? You never want to go stale and rehash the same music over and over again.
Ryan Beevers: It’s quite tough I think when creating music as a band you wanna try and expand and try to push in all directions while maintaining the core fundamentals and also enhancing the sound as much as possible. These are ideas that I try to keep in mind at all times.
TMR: Do you guys plan on shopping for a label or want to stay independent?
Ryan Beevers: As far as labels go we haven’t gotten too many offers but either way we are doing just fine being independent for the time being.
TMR: What is everyone’s journey that led them to their instrument of choice? And influences that made you want to become a musician?
Ryan Beevers: Mainly what inspired me in the beginning was bands that my dad was listening to like Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Overkill and Testament. That got me to want to pick up a guitar and make music like these bands did.
TMR: Between Babymetal and Corey Feldman who would you rather open up for on a tour?
Ryan Beevers: I’m not too familiar with either so I can’t answer.
TMR: Onto a serious question……what band is on your “bucket list” would you love to play a show with?
Ryan Beevers: Oh that’s a tough one, I’d have to say that most of the bands I’d love to play a show with don’t exist anymore. But I’d love to play a show with maybe Watain, Morbid angel, Necrophagist (if they ever come back) or maybe Der Weg einer Freiheit.
TMR: Where did you derive your band name from?
Ryan Beevers: The band name was inspired by the Dark Fortress song “The Unflesh” and as the band has grown I think the band name has taken a whole new meaning in and of itself in terms of relating to the lyrical content and drive of the band.
TMR: Savior has a very cool and creepy album cover…..what primarily influenced it and the idea behind it?
Ryan Beevers: The album cover and all the other artworks inside the cover are based on the lyrical content in each song. I had several in depth conversations with the guy who designed the artworks Junki Sakuraba, explaining what each song was about. So all the artworks you see are what he envisioned after these discussions and hearing the demos I’d send to him. He’s extremely talented and he did a fucking brilliant job.
TMR: What kind of gear do you guys use? And what is your favorite single piece of gear whether its for recording or playing?
Ryan Beevers: I use an ESP guitar and Engl Amps, Ghs strings and a couple of various guitar pedals. Our other guitarist uses Peavy amps and I know he has some sort of rack unit which I’m not too sure what it is at the moment. Our Bassist uses Ibanez basses and DNA amps, Our drummer Chris uses a Yamaha recording custom kit, Vater sticks and Remo drum heads.
TMR: What is everyone’s all time favorite albums? And anything you’re looking forward to being released in 2018?
Ryan Beevers: Speaking for myself I’d say some of my favorite records would be Dissection-Storm of the light’s bane, Watain-Lawless Darkness, Celtic Frost-Monotheist and many more. This year I’m looking forward to the latest Obscura and At the Gates releases.
TMR: Please provide links here for any other project of yours or any endeavor outside of the band that anyone can check out.
Solium Fatalis:
Seven Spires:

Originally published on Technical Music Review. Republished with permission.