BARKER — On Sunday, May 13, the Barker Lions will hold their annual Mother’s Day Chicken Barbecue. Meals will be available at 11:30 am at the Lions Community Building on Main Street, Barker. The meal consists of a half chicken, baked beans, potato salad, roll and dessert. Presale tickets are $9 each; at the door is $10.
Tickets can be purchased from any Barker Lion, at The Winery at Marjim Manor, and at Bittner-Singer Orchards. To reserve your tickets online, email You can call 778-7001 or 778-7330 also.
American Flags will also be available. These flags are assembled and embroidered at the Olmsted Center for Sight by the visually impaired employees. A 3′ by 5′ flag is $29.
As part of Lions International, the Barker is one of the 45,000 clubs in 200 countries and geographic areas. Lions are men and women who volunteer their time to humanitarian causes. Founded in 1917, the association’s motto is “We Serve.” Lions are known for their service to persons who are blind and
visually impaired. Members participate in a vast variety of projects and strive to make a difference in their local community and in communities worldwide.
During the past year, the Barker Lions:
• Provided eye exams and glasses for those in our community who could not
afford it.
• Provided hearing aids for those who could not afford them.
• Built ramps for those in our community with physical challenges
• Gave 4 deserving seniors college scholarships
• Held a Halloween party for elementary school students
• Continued our charter sponsorship of the Boy Scouts
• Sponsored a Little League team
• Donated to the food pantry and holiday baskets
• Provided funding for the Radio Reading Service, including placing radios in
our community
• Maintained our community building so that many groups such as the American
Legion, Boy Scouts and Lighthouse Optimists could use it
• Held pancake breakfasts to support the Music Boosters in their fundraising
• Gave out the Robert Uplinger and Melvin Jones Awards to recognize those in
our community, not necessarily Lions, for their contributions.
We meet on the first Wednesday of each month at the Barker Lions Community Building. We welcome those who wish to join us.