ALBANY, N.Y. — The Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA), which represents about 300,000 members statewide, issued the following statement by President Danny Donohue:
“Today, union leaders and elected officials gathered in New York City with Governor Andrew Cuomo to sign legislation that protects working people from the impending implications of the U.S. Supreme Court’s expected ruling in Janus v. AFSCME Council 31.
Today, the labor movement is under attack like never before. The Janus case is nothing more than a well-funded corporate attack on organized labor meant to take away rights, benefits and pay from hardworking Americans.
But in New York, we are fortunate to have strong leaders who stand with organized labor and Governor Cuomo stands here with us today.
Governor Cuomo gave his word that he would protect us from these assaults and he keeps his word today. On behalf of the hardworking members of CSEA, I thank the governor for standing with us to sign this legislation that ensures fairness and allows CSEA to represent all of our members to the best of our ability.
The governor has shown solid leadership and support in promoting the rights of labor in the face of attacks from wealthy CEOs and corporate interests who are out to destroy and defund our union. Today, I am proud to stand with the governor in solidarity for all workers in New York.
Together with the support of the governor and the New York State Senate and Assembly, this legislation will unite and strengthen workers’ ability to be strong and be union!”
About CSEA:
The Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) is one of the largest and most influential unions in New York State and the country. CSEA has about 300,000 members and represents state, county, municipal, school district, child care, and private sector employees. Formed in 1910, CSEA has improved the lives of hardworking New Yorkers for more than 100 years, and is the largest affiliate of the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME). For more information, go to