AMHERST — Flip Burger will open its second area location later this year in a former Subway restaurant in the Maple Forest Plaza.
Flip Burger, which opened its first restaurant in Niagara Falls in 2015, will move into the space at Maple and North Forest roads that housed a Subway franchise until a 2015 fire heavily damaged the space, said Eric Recoon, a vice president for Benderson Development Co., which owns the plaza. The Subway never reopened.
The Flip Burger should be ready to open by summer once the town grants final approvals for the restaurant, Recoon said. After the restaurant moves in, the plaza will be fully leased.
The Flip Burger at 305 Prospect St. in downtown Niagara Falls, operated by Daniel P. Vecchies, offers a variety of burgers, hot dogs, grilled cheese, grilled chicken, French fries and milkshakes.
Originally published on Amherst Times. Republished with permission.