BUFFALO — On Wednesday, April 11, during Buffalo State’s celebration of Take Back the Night (TBTN), the Campbell Student Union Social Hall will serve as a platform to take visitors “Around the World” as a reminder that sexual assault does not affect just one group of people.
“Sexual assault can affect any person regardless of age, gender, race, religion, city, state or country,” said Paula Madrigal, assistant director of prevention and health promotions for the Weigel Wellness Center.
As in previous years, the 38th annual event will include singers, poets, and individuals from the campus and community sharing their personal stories and support for survivors. Guest speaker, Louise K. Nolley, the longest New York State AIDS survivor and activist, will share her story relating to sexual assault.
The event is free and open to the public. Doors open at 6:00 p.m., the TBTN program will begin at 6:30 p.m., and a small reception will follow in the Fireside Lounge. Campus and community organizations, including one with therapy dogs, will be on site.
TBTN coincides with Sexual Assault Awareness Month. It’s intended to provide survivors an opportunity to share their stories and to encourage those who have been assaulted to speak up and get the resources and support they need.
This year theme’s “Around the World” is aligned with the Yards for Yeardley walk that student-athletes have organized for April 18 in honor of domestic violence victims around the world.
Also, Buffalo State students and staff will participate in the April 29 fundraiser for Buffalo’s Crisis Services Walk a Mile in Her Shoes, which benefits victims of sexual and domestic violence.
To learn more about TBTN and Sexual Awareness Month, visit the Weigel YouTube Channel, Facebook, and website, or call (716) 878-4719.