Amherst’s three town attorneys don’t handle major lawsuits which is why we have outside firms to handle these cases. At present the salaries for the three attorneys are  outrageous for the work they do.

The main attorney earns over $111,000 while the Deputy Attorney earns $96,000. our  third attorney, Jeff Marion, is part time and earns $63,000. He feels he should earn as much as the Deputy Attorney – $96,000 but the Board is only going to increase his pay to 83,000. He basically works at the Town Court checking traffic violations.  Nice work if you can get it!

There was going to be a resolution by a Town Board member at the meeting on March 5th but it was withdrawn. Now, to fool the public, it’s listed under Human Resources near the end of the Town Board meeting agenda.

When it was on the agenda March 5th there was a large write up of things Marion did.  Now there is only one line listing mostly things the public can’t check out to see if he deserves this raise.

At the March 19th Board meeting this part-time lawyer will be voted on by the Town Board. The Board may not have the knowledge that Mr. Marion ran 3 times for a judgeship and wasn’t rated qualified. He would run for other offices when the Amherst democratic committee didn’t have anyone who wanted to run.  Jeff’s loyalty to Jerry Schad, Chairman of the Amherst Democratic Committee, is how he secured the job as one of Amherst’s town lawyers.

Originally published on Amherst Times. Republished with permission.