
Technical Music Review will be featuring a band or artist of the month selected at random.  Progressive rock outfit Turning Virtue has received the nomination for our first ever featured artist of the month! They are based out of Buffalo, New York.

Turning Virtue’s Lineup is as follows:

David Karczewski -Vocals & Guitars

DPA – Bass
Carl Cino- Guitars
Mark Zonder- Drums

The band recently released their critically acclaimed album “A Temporary Human Experience” in 2016. Tim Palmer (Porcupine Tree, Pearl Jam, U2, Robert Plant, David Bowie) mixed the album. The album was mastered by another great – Andy VanDette (Steven Wilson, Porcupine Tree, Rush, Dream Theater, Fates Warning). Those are two huge names in the production field that worked on this great album. The band is currently working on a follow up album hoping for a 2018 release.

Turning Virtue played with some great bands in 2017…….Pain of Salvation, Fire Garden, Tiles, Geoff Tate (That night they played acoustically!), Aisles, Thank You Scientist and Haken to be specific.  David also has his own booking company called Gazing Rabbit Productions.  Not only did he put on some of the previously mentioned shows last year with his own band, but did a few without as well…..Leprous, Earthside and Dissona was a great show unfortunately Binary Code broke down and couldn’t make it that evening at the now defunct Waiting Room.  He also put In The Presence of Wolves, Five Of The Eyes and Dream Spectrum (amazing local instrumental classic rock band out of Buffalo!) together on the same show as well.  Dave is also working on an acoustic album…..and is also planning an acoustic tour with former Pain Of Salvation guitarist Ragnar Zolberg.  2018 is going to be an extremely busy year for all 3 of these projects.  Tune in to Gazing Rabbit Productions to stay updated with any shows he puts on or anything Ragnar Zolberg related.


The brilliance behind Turning Virtue is a great mix of technicality, mood changes, and melody.  There really isn’t one dominant factor throughout their music……it’s truly well blended.  When you enlist the help of such a great drummer like Zonder….you know the end result. DPA puts on one heck of a lyrical show.  You really get put on another planet during some of their songs, and Davey K’s voice brings his words to life.  The ultimate gravy on the top of such great music is Carl Cino’s amazing guitar leads that make your jaw drop.  Turning Virtue is one of the most underlooked bands in all of Western New York that a decent amount of people have yet to discover in our neck of the woods.

18076507_10210514225466511_3593657071520939319_oDon’t forget to head on over to Technical Music Review on Facebook to check out anything and everything Turning Virtue for all of March! Also, there are plenty of other things to check out on there as well.  Maybe 2018 brings new TV and Davey K albums…..time will only tell.  There are many exciting things on the horizon we just have to sit back and wait.

“A Temporary Human Experience” can be purchased in many digital outlets especially iTunes, Amazon and CD Baby.  You can buy a physical copy of the album through their website or at any of their shows.  It can also be streamed as well on Spotify.

@turningvirtue- twitter
Turning Virtue- instagram

Originally published on Technical Music Review. Republished with permission.

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