WILLIAMSVILLE – Congressman Chris Collins (NY-27) today announced that the Small Business Administration (SBA) has added Monroe County to the Presidential declaration that made low-interest rate disaster loans available for certain Private Nonprofit Organizations (PNPs) as a result of damages caused by Lake Ontario flooding. Eligible PNPs include organizations such as food kitchens, homeless shelters, museums, libraries, community centers, schools and colleges.

“Monroe County needed this important federal assistance and I worked closely with the Trump administration to make sure the declaration was amended,” said Collins. “These loans will go a long way to make sure nonprofit organizations crucial to the community can get back on their feet after such devastating damage.”

The loans, authorized through a Presidential disaster declaration for public assistance in November, may cover these organizations up to $2 million for repairs or replacement of real estate and other business assets damaged or destroyed by the destructive flooding along the Lake Ontario shoreline.
The flooding was a direct result of Plan 2014, implemented by the International Joint Commission (IJC), which increases the frequency by which Lake Ontario’s water levels are raised and lowered. Collins has met with both President Trump and Vice President Pence and urged for the replacement of all IJC commissioners to find a solution that addresses the failed Plan 2014.

Although the deadline to apply for a disaster loan for physical damages was January 16, 2018, PNPs in Monroe County may still submit an application after the deadline and should include an explanation that they were not previously aware of their eligibility for the SBA disaster loan program due to their county being added after the deadline.

The deadline to return economic injury applications is August 14, 2018. Applicants may apply via the Small Business Administration website at