Today is January 8th, 2018. Our new Town Supervisor, Brain Kulpa, has been in office 7 days. There are voices in the crowd asking why he needs a Chief of Staff. The answer comes down to EIGHT little words, “To clean up the mess Amherst is in.”
Past Town Board members gave away huge parts of their integrity and fairness to the people of Amherst. Along with the notorious Planning Board and the Planning Department, those board members worked against the people of Amherst by giving developers anything they wanted.
The town residents of Amherst had no outlet to fight against these internal monsters who were selling Amherst out to the developers. The above mentioned Boards were controled by corrupt people.
The citizens didn’t have an Ethics Board most of the year and when it was formed it was a joke.
There are many major problems in Amherst. Hopefully with our new Supervisor and the Town Board working together most of these problems can be corrected.
There is a need for more help to begin to solve these serious problems. The hiring of a Chief of Staff was a necessary move. I believe what upset some people was the amount being paid for this person and the lack of facts about his past record of where he worked, and information on this level.
We must give this man a chance to prove he’s worth the salary we are paying him.
In a previous post I wrote that the method of introducing this man could have been done better and I believe this will be corrected very soon.
Seven days is too short a time to start throwing stones at the Supervisor.
Originally published on Amherst Times. Republished with permission.