LATHAM — Major General Anthony P. German, the Adjutant General, announces the recent reenlistment of members of the State National Guard in recognition of their continuing commitment to serve community, state and nation as part of the Army National Guard.

- Sergeant Timothy Brugger from Hilton reenlisted to continue service with the Headquarters and Service Company, 642nd Support Battalion.
- Staff Sergeant Eugene Corbett from Greece reenlisted to continue service with the 222nd Military Police Company.
- Corporal Kyle Curry from Arcade reenlisted to continue service with the 222nd Military Police Company.
- Sergeant First Class Salvatore Fatta from Lewiston reenlisted to continue service with the 152nd Engineer Support Company.
- Staff Sergeant Joseph Giambrone from Lockport reenlisted to continue service with the 105th Military Police Company.
- Specialist Aaron Hart from Kenmore reenlisted to continue service with the Headquarters and Headquarters Troop, 2-101 Cavalry (Reconnaissance, Surveillance and Target Acquisition).
- First Sergeant Justin Kaier from West Seneca reenlisted to continue service with the 152nd Engineer Support Company.
- Sergeant Michael Kelly from Buffalo reenlisted to continue service with the Headquarters and Headquarters Troop, 2-101 Cavalry (Reconnaissance, Surveillance and Target Acquisition).
- Specialist Shawn Labadie from Allegheny reenlisted to continue service with the 105th Military Police Company.
- Sergeant Matthew Lenhart from Rochester reenlisted to continue service with the Company B (Maintenance), 427th Brigade Support Battalion.
- Master Sergeant Micah Lyness from Lockport reenlisted to continue service with the Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 27th Brigade Special Troops Battalion.
- Sergeant Bradley Ralph from Holley reenlisted to continue service with the Headquarters and Service Company, 642nd Support Battalion.
- Sergeant Thaddeus Schickling from Rochester reenlisted to continue service with the Headquarters and Service Company, 642nd Support Battalion.
- Corporal David Stombaugh from West Seneca reenlisted to continue service with the Company C (Medical), 427th Brigade Support Battalion.
- Sergeant Zachary Trinkle from Hamburg reenlisted to continue service with the 1156th Engineer Company.
- Staff Sergeant Isaac Wainwright from East Otto reenlisted to continue service with the Headquarters and Headquarters Troop, 2-101 Cavalry (Reconnaissance, Surveillance and Target Acquisition).
“New Yorkers count on our Citizen Soldiers to be ready and be there when disaster strikes,” German said. “And our nation counts on our Soldiers when duty calls for overseas service. I congratulate our members for choosing to stay in service and striking that balance between military duties, education or employment commitments and family obligations.”
“Every one of the men and women serving in our 16,000 strong Army and Air National Guard plays an important role and these Soldiers who continue to reenlist provide experience and continuity for whatever challenges lay ahead for our New York National Guard family.”
For more information about the New York Army National Guard, visit
The New York National Guard (New York State Division of Military and Naval Affairs) is the state’s executive agency responsible to the Governor for managing New York’s Military Forces, which consists of nearly 20,000 members of the New York Army National Guard, the New York Air National Guard, the New York Naval Militia and the New York Guard.