By James Tricoli

Let me state at the outset, I don’t have a vendetta against the Town Clerk Department. I am looking out for the security of our neighbors.
One, or some, of the employees of the Town Clerk’s office removed political signs of Brain Kulpa and replaced them with signs of their boss, Marjory Jaeger. In doing so they committed an act of thievery and showed a huge lack of integrity. Miss Jaeger knew Tim Koller took these signs through a phone call she received. She didn’t contact the police and has remained deadly silent during this time period. The top Town official said he doesn’t want any punishment for anyone involved this episode.
The danger with having people who have admitted to a crime which is a felony is wondering what other nefarious acts will he/she or anyone else be doing in the Town clerk’s office. We can’t forget how much money comes into the Clerk’s office as well as all the citizen’s information on their personal taxes and other vital information which can be sold or given to unsavory people.
The removal of Town Clerk Marjory Jaeger and Tim Koller must be immediately done for the safety of our town residents.
Originally published on Amherst Times. Republished with permission.