The election is almost over with the exception the the Sheriff’s race. It’s time to inform the public, which has a need to know, who took $4000 worth of political signs of mostly Democratic candidates and replaced them with signs of our Amherst Town Clerk, Marjory Jaeger. The intent seems to be a desire to influence voters to vote for Miss Jaeger.
Mr. Tim Koller admitted to taking the signs. Mr. Koller works in the Town Clerk’s department of Amherst. This is the same department Miss Jaeger is in charge of.
Mr. Tim Koller has access to important information that the town clerk collects from the citizens of Amherst. He is the Assistant Deputy Clerk in our Town Clerk department. Until the investigation is completed I think it would be a good idea to place Mr. Koller in a different department in Town Hall. The only people who could do this would be Ms Jaeger or Supervisor Weinstein. Let’s see what action is taken.

Originally published on Amherst Times. Republished with permission.