So let me lay this out for you. Not to long ago I came across a pretty cool effect that I thought would be awesome for my sports and interests portraits. Understanding that all these effects worked in photoshop and I do not use photoshop, I was very curious if they would work with my editing software and my workflow. So I did what anybody would do. I reached out the the creator of the overlays and asked him if he knew whether or not they would work. Of coarse he was unsure, so I asked him if he would be willing to provide me with a sample. He did ask what I was really interested in. My response was honest, which I told him I was doing sports and interests portraits. He stated he would get back to me regarding. Good enough I thought and I waited a week. Nothing. So I contacted him again. Sads to say he did not respond. In light of that, I became a little annoyed at all this and to my discredit, I allowed this to piss me off. I am thinking, ya know I am pretty good at this photo stuff and my intention here was to purchase some of his products so I could offer a unique image to my clients. So in short I am thinking who does this guy think he is. He blew me off, and I am like, do you know who the hell I am, and what dude, you think you are better than me. 
SO after a few weeks of catching up on edits and stewing over this, I took a little time and said, screw him. I will create my own overlays and in time I will blow his away. That’s the competitive side of me talking now, and lets face it, I don’t quite until mission complete. 
This shot is out of the gate and it is a start to where I plan on taking the sports interests genre. 
JALINJALINThe Sargent Sports Overlay With all this said, let me offer some advice to other photographers. As of late I have seen a lot of ass kissing going on, and here’s the thing. DO you think that by saying nice things about photographers who have made a big name for themselves is going to help you in your career at all?  Trust me it’s not. The only thing that’s gonna happen here is you will expose yourself as a big old butt-kisser. Unless you are going to work for that photographer as an assistant, trust me, ass kissing isn’t going to do a damn but of good. What will do you good, is to simply run your imagry on your own merit until you break the barrier and create something they find interesting. If you can do that , and you play your cards right, you might just make a name for yourself. Me, well let’s just say I am content in my own skin, and although I thought about taking a shortcut here, the end result is my clipping overlays are on their way. I am saving the created files and maybe, just maybe I will offer them as a product just like the dickhead who blew me off. The only difference here is I would have the decency to say yes or no if I am ask for a sample. 
Oh yeah I will discuss more of this topic on my Podcast which can be heard Tues nights at 8pm on ALLWNYNews and radio. 
Go check it out and get the mobile app so you can listen on your smart phone. Hers is the app.



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