By Jim Tricoli

These are the three Amherst Democratic candidates who have been very open about what they plan to do to help solve some of Amherst serious problems.  They haven’t avoided any of the Meet the Candidate’s nights.

The three Republican candidates have been ordered by their campaign manger, Joe Heins, not to give their views to the public or attend the Open Government Forum where question from the public were asked of the candidates.  The three Democratic candidates came plus one Conservative candidate, Bill Kindle.

The meeting went over two hours with serious questions being asked of and answered by these four candidates.

It would have been a good time for the three Republican candidates to show they had spunk.  To tell their campaign manager they wanted to face the people they hope to represent. but they didn’t have the guts.

The Republicans plan to win this election by continuously sending more and more mailers to your home.  I’m hoping most people will throw them in the garbage can.

It says in the Bible, “Words not followed by deeds are worthless.”  The citizens of Amherst must understand that the three candidates who are relying on their hill of money will tumble down this hill because the wisdom of the voters of Amherst.

Originally published on Amherst Times. Republished with permission.