By Jim Tricoli
This past Monday night the Amherst town board held their town board meeting. The main issue at this hearing was the environmental review of the Westwood property. A near-capacity crowd of citizens came to speak about their opposition to the Westwood property proposal.
The Westwood attorney spoke for a little over an hour about why the Westwood project wouldn’t harm the environment or in any way cause serious harm to the land and houses near the Westwood property. After the attorneys spoke three citizens were allowed 15 each for the opposition. When they finished at least 25 citizens, mostly neighbors, gave their voice in opposition to the proposed mixed-use project Westwood presented.
This is a direct quote from one of the citizens, “This is not a plan designed to fit in with the surrounding neighborhood, be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and benefit the town, but a megalopolis designed to maximize profit for the benefit of the owners,” said Jennifer Snyder-Haas, a Fairways Boulevard resident, who received a standing ovation following her remarks.
Judy Ferraro, a frequent critic of Westwood, told the Town Board the proposal is “not compliant with the comprehensive plan, no matter how it is spun. It is not sensitive to the myriad of attending problems of sewage flow, traffic, stormwater runoff and flooding and the general protection of health and welfare of all citizens.”
The Mayor of the Village of Williamsville, Brian Kulpa, was in attendance and voiced his strong opposition to the Westwood project. He would like to have a passive park for the people of Amherst.
One of the most outspoken ladies in our town, Michele Marconi, gave a powerful sensible speech as one of the leaders of the citizen’s group who wants a park instead of a huge concrete jungle. The people of Amherst must keep up the fight. Write letters to our Town Board members, call their office. To reach any town board member call 621-7000.
Originally published on Amherst Times. Republished with permission.