NEW YORK – Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman released the following statement today on the anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks:
“As New Yorkers and Americans, we stand united in remembering the lives lost 16 years ago today. We grieve alongside those who lost loved ones; we pledge never to forget their names, and recommit to honoring their memory.
September 11th was an affront to all that New York represents. Yet through the hurt and devastation of the tragedy, we have healed together, grown stronger together, and rebuilt together. Each and every New Yorker was impacted – but as we’ve shown, we are stronger than the hate and terrorism that sought to tear us apart.
The strength and heroism of New Yorkers on that day and in its aftermath – including that of our first responders – should inspire us all to continue to work towards a more just and peaceful world.”