ALBANY — State Senator Rob Ortt, R-North Tonawanda, and Assemblyman Angelo J. Morinello, R-Niagara Falls, today issued the following statement.
“There are two key takeaways from today’s announcement by the Financial Restructuring Board. First, the board delivered a forthright assessment of Niagara Falls’ government and the dire circumstances facing city taxpayers. Make no mistake about it, we’re here because – for decades – every time the city had to make an important decision, they punted or they fumbled. Second, today offers city residents and officials a new start. The valuable recommendations put forth should serve as a starting point and blueprint for a systematic restructuring of city operations. Without drastic changes, the city is heading for a financial control board. Only when we abandon the failed policies of the past can we secure a bright future for Niagara Falls families and businesses.”