BATAVIA — Genesee Community College’s Board of Trustees set 2017-2018 tuition at $2,025 per semester for full-time students, an increase of $50 over 2016-2017 tuition. Tuition for part-time students will be $165 per credit hour, an increase of $5. Genesee’s tuition and fees will remain among the lowest among all State University of New York colleges, President James M. Sunser noted.

Trustees also approved a $40.92 million operating budget for the coming fiscal year, September 1, 2017 to August 31, 2018, up less than 1% from the current $40.54 million budget. The budget is a maintenance-of-effort budget, said Dr. Sunser and Vice President for Finance and Operations Kevin P. Hamilton. The operating budget:
Funds all of the College’s academic programs and services at current levels;
- Provides for the heating, lighting and maintenance of the new Student Success Center and Richard C. Call Arena;
- Seeks an increase of $50,000 in annual support from the Genesee County Legislature, sponsor of the College.
- Anticipates New York State aid totaling $10.61 million, significantly less than the one-third funding anticipated as part of the state legislation creating the SUNY system.
Although the College has named seven success coaches as part of its innovative new success coaching program for students, the College has not increased the total number of student services staff members. With careful planning, the College reorganized many of its non-classroom functions, and created new success coach positions by reducing the number of positions in other college departments. “Success coaching is a very efficient and productive way for us to deliver services to students, but more important, it provides students with the very important personal guidance they need to be successful in their academic careers and beyond,” Dr. Sunser told trustees.
The budget will next be presented to the Genesee County Legislature, sponsor of the College. After Legislature approval, the budget will be presented to SUNY for final review and approval.
In other business this evening, the Board of Trustees:
- Heard Nominating Committee Chair Donna M. Ferry report that the Committee has recommended the re-election of the Board of Trustees’ current officers for the 2017-2018 year: Laura J. Bohm, Chair; Ms. Ferry, Vice Chair; and Peter R. Call, Secretary. Officers will be elected at the Board’s annual meeting July 10.
- Heard Finance Committee Chair Peter R. Call report that the Committee had reviewed the College’s third quarter financial report. Revenue and expense is meeting budget targets for the first nine months of the fiscal year, which began last September 1, Mr. Call said. Board members approved the third quarter financial report.
- Heard William T. Emm report that work on the new Student Success Center and Richard C. Call Arena is nearing completion. Contractors are completing painting, carpeting, cabinetry and installation of various finishes. The College is awaiting delivery of the large stairwell railing in the Success Center. Rubber flooring and wall padding has been installed in the Arena. Furniture has arrived, and staff members are expected to be moving into the two new buildings over the next four to six weeks.
- Heard President Sunser report that the New York State Higher Education Services Corp. has issued regulations on the new Excelsior scholarship program. He also reported that students may now apply for the new scholarships through the HESC web site. Under the Excelsior program, students from families with adjusted gross income of $100,000 may receive a tuition scholarship provided students meet various academic criteria. The adjusted gross income eligibility threshold increases to $110,000 next year and $125,000 in 2019.
- Heard Vice President for Student and Enrollment Services Virginia M. Taylor report that applications for summer 2017 study are up 11%. The College offers two summer sessions, the first running from June 5 to July 8, and the second from July 10 to August 12. Dr. Taylor also said that the College has received 420 applications from area high school students for the Genesee Promise Plus program, and 260 of these students have already registered for classes. Genesee Promise Plus has been growing steadily, enrolling 185 students in 2013, and increasing each year, to 243 in 2016. Through Genesee Promise Plus, high school juniors and seniors can register for one or two courses, and have costs paid by a Genesee Community College Promise Plus scholarship. Students of any age interested in registering for summer or fall courses can view a listing of available courses on the College’s web site, or call 585-345-6800 for more information.
- Heard President Sunser report that the College has filled four key positions, replacing three staff members who are retiring this spring and one staff member who has moved to a different College department. Levi T. Olsen will join the staff as director of Buildings and Grounds, replacing Timothy M. Landers, who is retiring July 2 after 33 years of service. Mr. Olsen comes to Genesee with 15 years’ experience in facilities management at the University of Rochester. He currently serves as assistant director of Utilities and Energy Management. Mr. Olson, a resident of Basom, is a graduate of Genesee Community College (class of ’98), and holds a B.S. degree from the University at Buffalo and a M.S. degree from the University of Rochester. Laura J. Taylor will join the staff as instructor of Fashion Business Merchandising, replacing M. Richard Dudkowski, who is retiring after 33 years of service. Ms. Taylor is a member of the faculty of Villa Maria College in Buffalo. She holds a B.S. degree from SUNY College at Oneonta and a M.F.A. degree from the Academy of Art University in California. She is pursuing a Ph.D. degree from Iowa State University. Ms. Taylor is a resident of Akron. Jessica R. Olin will join the staff as director of Library Services, replacing Nina T. Warren, who is retiring after 25 years’ service. Ms. Olin has served as library director at Wesley College in Maryland, and has served as a faculty member at Hiram College (Ohio) and Landmark College (Vermont). She holds a B.A. degree from Hood College (Maryland), a M.A.E. degree from Touro University (California), and a M.L.I.S. degree from Simmons College (Massachusetts). She lives in the Rochester area. Edvardo R. Pabros, Jr. will fill a vacancy in the College’s Institutional Research Office as Institutional Research associate. He comes to Genesee from Lockheed Martin, where he has been a software engineer and programmer for 15 years. He holds a B.S. degree from California State University and has completed advanced certificates in various information technology fields. He is a resident of LeRoy.
- Heard President Sunser thank and congratulate seven members of the faculty and staff who are retiring this spring. In addition to Mr. Landers, Mr. Dudkowski, and Ms. Warren, President Sunser also thanked Dr. Margaret E. Heater, associate dean for Student Development, who has served GCC for the last 11 years; Mary Jo Dumuhosky, testing coordinator, who has served GCC for 31 years; Elizabeth Geuss, assistant Learning Lab and tutor coordinator who has served GCC for 30 years; and Cheryl M. Young, who has served GCC for 36 years.
- Heard President Sunser report that St. John Fisher College has reserved two annual spots in its highly-regarded Wegmans School of Pharmacy for Genesee Community College graduates who meet required academic criteria. Students completing the program receive a Doctor of Pharmacy degree.
- Approved a policy requiring review and authorization of on-campus fund raising sales and events by student clubs, athletic teams and other internal groups. The policy is important because of the growing volume and complexity of laws and regulations governing fund raising, said Policy Committee Chair Benjamin J. Bonarigo, Sr.
- Viewed “The Human 50,” a video of students, faculty, staff and trustees gathering in the form of a “50,” marking the College’s 50th anniversary. The video was created on May 4, and may be viewed on the anniversary home page at