Upcoming events include:
Walking on Wednesdays: In partnership with the Wellness Institute of Greater Buffalo, the BNMC offers free walks led by Medical Campus and community leaders every Wednesday from May 31-August 30 from 12:10 PM -12:40 PM. Start and end at Roswell’s Kaminski Park (Elm & Carlton). Special Note: BNMC President & CEO Matt Enstice and Chairman Emeritus Thomas Beecher will lead a Campus walk on June 21st. See the full schedule at BNMC.org/wow.
- Farmers’ Markets: Fresh, homegrown fruits and veggies are available for sale at farmers’ markets on Campus and in our surrounding communities.
o Roswell Park Cancer Institute’s Market at the Park in Kaminski Park (Elm & Carlton), Wednesdays from 11 AM-1:30 PM from June-September.
o MAP Mobile Market at the Moot Community Center (292 High St.), Fridays at 11 AM-1 PM from June-October.
- Fitness in the Parks: Beginning June 7 and running through August 23, yoga will be offered every Wednesday from 5:30 PM – 6:15 PM in Colby Park (next to the parking garage at 134 High St. at Michigan Ave.) The FREE event is sponsored by Independent Health & YMCA Buffalo Niagara.
- National Dump the Pump Day: A national initiative to encourage people to ride public transportation or use other alternative commuting options (instead of driving) and save money. In partnership with the NFTA, the BNMC. will host a breakfast and street musician event at the Allen/Medical Station from 7 to 10 AM on June 15.
- BNMC Fit: BNMC’s annual BNMC Fit Healthy Living Fair at Colby Park on Tuesday, June 27 from 11 AM – 2 PM (at Colby Park next to the parking garage at 134 High St. at Michigan Ave.) This event promotes the holistic nature of health, and includes a variety of organizations and vendors in the community dedicated to healthy and active living. FREE and open to all employees who work on the Medical Campus.
- FREE Lunchtime Music: Enjoy lunch and music outdoors with your colleagues in the park at Ellicott & Virginia Streets every Thursday at 12:30 PM in July.
- Bike to Work Breakfast: August 25 from 7 AM – 10 AM (at Colby Park next to the parking garage at 134 High St. at Michigan Ave.)
- Food Trucks on Campus every day!
Originally posted by Buffalo Healthy Living Magazine . Republished with permission.