As a part of American Stroke Month and National Bike Month, we are gearing up to celebrate NATIONAL CYCLING DAY on MAY 15!
Cycling is great for your health. But when you join the CycleNation movement, you aren’t just doing it for yourself—you’re impacting future research, prevention and treatment for the entire nation.
CycleNation™ is a movement to empower the nation to use cycling to help Americans get brain and heart healthy and we are joining together on May 15 to ignite a health revolution. By moving as one, we can change the course of stroke and heart disease and its impact on our nation, our communities and our families.
How Can You Participate?
Cycle Together on May 15! Post a photo of you on your wheels to social media and use #CycleNation. Posting your photo will qualify you for a chance to win a prize pack from Schwinn or CycleBar! CycleBar will also be giving away a FREE Private Party Ride in local markets and 5 lucky grand prize winners will receive a FREE Schwinn Circuit bike!
Photos can be any type of cycling (road, indoor, etc.) or you can even post a throwback from the day you learned to ride a bike! Let America know you are committed to stopping the cycle of stroke and heart disease.
Start the ride. Ride the revolution.
Also, as a part of American Stroke Month and National Bike Month, we are taking part in a nationwide Twitter chat May 15 to open the dialogue about the benefits of cycling and the impact we can make on stroke and heart disease.
JOIN US! Monday, May 15, 2017 at 2:00 p.m. EST/1:00 pm CT. GOAL: Make #CyclingDay a trending topic during the event.
Contact Jackie Mangione, Regional Director-Communications (Rochester/Buffalo) at Jackie.Mangione@heart.org, or call 585-967-7749 for more information. You can also visit www.heart.org.
Originally posted by Buffalo Healthy Living Magazine . Republished with permission.
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