ITHACA — Ithaca belted 26 hits and plated 17 runs in a two-game non-conference sweep over visiting Buffalo State today, winning 7-0 and 10-4.
Game #1: Ithaca – 7, Buffalo State – 0
The Bombers outhit the Bengals 12-2 in the opening game and used a four-run second inning to jump out to a 6-0 lead and coasted to 7-0 win. Emma Ruggiero (Amherst/Sacred Heart) had one of the Bengals hits, finishing 1 for 2 with a stolen base. Scarlett Whitman (Grand Island/Grand Island) suffered the loss, allowing 12 hits and seven runs.
Game #2: Ithaca – 10, Buffalo State – 4
Buffalo State opened the second game with four straight singles and manage to plate all four runs to take an early lead. Ithaca responded with six runs on six hits in the third inning, and added three more runs in the fifth and another in the sixth. The Bengals produced eight hits, but only four after the first inning, while the Bombers finished with 14. Laura Crooks (Niagara Falls/Niagara Wheatfield) led the Bengals at the plate, going 3 for 4 with a run scored. Allie Block (N. Tonawanda/Starpoint) was 2 for 3 and also scored a run. Nicole Adams (Lockport/Starpoint) took the loss, working three innings, allowing seven hits and six runs, before Whitman gave up seven hits and four runs in the final three innings.
Buffalo State will return to SUNYAC play with a “Battle by the Lake” doubleheader tomorrow at Fredonia. The Bengals trail Fredonia 17-11 in the all-sports season-long competition with six points remaining. Buffalo State will need to sweep tomorrow’s doubleheader to prevent Fredonia from clinching the Lake Erie Cup.