ROCHESTER — Spring has arrived and baseball season is officially here. The Wings, who begin their season with an eight-game road trip to Syracuse and Buffalo, return to Frontier Field on April 14 for the 21st home opener in ballpark history.
Let’s take a look at everything that’s going on for the Wings first home series of the season against the Syracuse Chiefs.
- 50-DEGREE GUARANTEE – Thanks to a few reliable local meteorologists, Wings GM Dan Mason is pretty confident this year…
- TRAPPER HAT GIVEAWAY – The first 1,500 fans can keep warm with one of these thanks to our friends at Dunkin’ Donuts (and Wings catcher Mitch Garver for modeling).
- 2017 MAGNET SCHEDULE GIVEAWAY – The first 5,000 fans through the gates get a FREE magnet schedule.
- SPECIAL TAX WEEKEND TICKET OFFER – Use promo code “GoWings” and get any TWO tickets for just $10.40. This offer is valid online only.
- KOOZIE GIVEAWAY – The first 1,000 fans can keep their favorite beverage cold with one of these.
SUNDAY, APRIL 16 (1:35)
- SPECIAL TAX WEEKEND TICKET OFFER – Use promo code “GoWings” and get any TWO tickets for just $10.40. This offer is valid online only.
- EASTER EGG HUNT – All kids 12 & under can participate in a pre-game Easter Egg Hunt which will begin at 12:30 when the gates open. No special ticket is required to participate. The Easter Bunny has informed us he will be hiding eggs throughout the concourse. There will be a three egg max per child (Easter Bunny’s orders), so that each child will be guaranteed at least one egg.
- POST-GAME KIDS RUN THE BASES – Kids will have the chance to run the bases with Spikes & Mittsy following each Sunday home game presented by The Burger Bar at Wegmans Pittsford.