ROCHESTER — Providers from across the region are gathering today for UR Medicine’s 6th annual Stroke Treatment Alliance of Rochester – New York (STAR-NY) Stroke Management Symposium. The meeting will highlight pre-hospital care, new medical and surgical advances, and stroke recovery and prevention.
The event is designed for primary care physicians, internists, neurologists, neurosurgeons, emergency physicians, family physicians, radiologists, cardiologists, nurses, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, EMS personnel and other providers who care for stroke patients.
Symposium topics include optimize the care stroke patients receive before they reach the hospital and in the emergency department, the latest surgical technologies and treatment protocols for hemorrhagic and ischemic strokes, the role of neuro-intensive care in stroke recovery, and secondary stroke prevention.
The sessions will be led by neurology, and neurosurgery, and emergency medicine faculty from UR Medicine, with a guest speaker from the Medical University of South Carolina who will describe efforts to establish a state-wide system of stroke care.
For more information, visit the STAR-NY website: