NEW YORK — Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman responded to the Justice Department’s announcement that states and local jurisdiction could be financially penalized for allowing “santuary jurisdictions” and not enforcing federal immigration laws.
Schneiderman’s full comments follow:
“Despite what Attorney General Sessions implied this afternoon, state and local governments and law enforcement have broad authority under the Constitution to not participate in federal immigration enforcement.
“As my office’s legal guidance makes clear, President Trump lacks the constitutional authority to broadly cut off funding to states and cities just because they have lawfully acted to protect immigrant families.
“Public safety depends on trust between law enforcement and those they bravely serve; yet, again and again, President Trump’s draconian policies only serve to undercut that trust.
“My office will continue to ensure local governments have the tools they need to legally protect their immigrant communities – and we won’t stop fighting to beat back President Trump’s un-American immigration policies.”
In January, Attorney General Schneiderman issued legal guidance for “sanctuary” jurisdictions, providing them with the legal tools to protect their immigrant communities. Earlier this month, OAG updated the guidance in light of President Trump’s executive orders and DHS memos, making clear the Trump administration’s policies don’t change local governments’ right to protect their immigrant communities.