WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand today issued a statement following the House decision to pull the vote on the bill to remove the Affordable Care Act and replace it with what she says “was a bad bill.”
Gillibrand says “I’m glad it was stopped” of the new proposed law.
Her full statement follows:
“The only way anything ever happens in Washington is when regular people stand up and speak out – and that’s exactly what happened with this awful bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act. After so many New Yorkers and people across America raised their voices in opposition to this bill, the House of Representatives backed down today from a plan that would have taken away health care from an estimated 24 million Americans, would have brought us back to the days when insurance companies could refuse to cover maternity care, and would have made health care much more expensive for families and seniors – all while giving huge tax breaks to insurance companies and drug companies. We should continue to work to improve our health care system, but this was a bad bill, and I’m glad it was stopped.”