TOWN OF LOCKPORT — A massive fire on Ridge Road that consumed a barn and a motor home is under investigation by the Niagara County Origin and Cause Team.
According to the Niagara County Sheriff’s Office, the county’s communications center received a 911 call from a passerby reporting a motor home on fire at 7321 Ridge Road. Soon after, the homeowner also called 911 to report that there was a fire under the motor home and it had now spread to a large barn.
When deputies arrived on scene they found the motor home and barn fully engulfed. Fire personnel from Wrights Corners Fire Company, Miller Hose Fire Company, Gasport Chemical Hose Fire Company and Terry’s Corners Fire Company were able to extinguish the fire.
At this time, the cause of the fire is unknown and investigation is continuing.
An earlier story n this matter reported that there were two barns involved, however, NCSO only reports one barn and the motor home.