BUFFALO — Tina Caviness, director of the Compeer Corps program of Compeer Buffalo, was awarded the “Regional Volunteer of the Year Award” for her work with Compeer.

Tina Caviness

Caviness has been with Compeer for four years, overseeing the organization’s veteran volunteer match services. She is currently the director of the newly revised veteran program, CompeerCORPS. Tina also accepted the “Community Purple Award”, from the New York National Guard Family, on behalf of Compeer Buffalo.

Caviness is a veteran and a military caregiver who understands the difficulties that veterans face when returning home.

“My passion drives me with military families due to my own personal experiences. My mission and my passion in life is driven by these experiences. I don’t want other military families to have to go through what I went through. I don’t want them to feel alone like I did at certain points in my life. My door and ear are always open to any veteran that comes to me. It is an honor and a blessing to be recognized by the National Guard and my community like this,” said Caviness.

The National Guard Volunteer Awards Program was established in 2008 by NG-J1 Family Program as a way to thank and honor volunteers who, by their demonstrated commitment and example, inspire others to engage in volunteer service. The program is designed to promote superior performance among all volunteers throughout the National Guard and recognize outstanding contributions. The “Purple Award” is an honor bestowed by the National Guard to community organizations that exemplify the importance of working with Army and/or Airguard activities.

Those looking to volunteer, be matched with a volunteer, or with general questions about the CompeerCORPS program can contact Caviness at 716-883-3331 ext. 318 or email tina@compeerbuffalo.org.