WASHINGTON, D.C. — Congressman Brian Higgins (NY-26) released the following statement in response to President Trump’s Executive Order banning foreign nationals from Sudan, Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia and Yemen from entering the United States:
“Every person living in this country desires a sense of security and a promise that horrific acts of terrorism, like that exacted on fellow New Yorkers on 9/11, will never take place again. This ban does nothing to bring us closer to that objective.
“Instead, this far-reaching and arbitrary ban that implements a blanket restriction on all residents from six nations merely provides a false sense of security manufactured by the Administration; one that would not have prevented 9/11 and does nothing to protect people today based on genuine intelligence and risk.
“To make matters worse for Western New York, this Travel Ban calls for expedited completion of a biometric entry-exit tracking system, a process that would add an additional layer of screening at the Peace Bridge and other local border crossings, effectively grinding commerce and tourism to a halt along our Northern Border with a devastating impact on our local economy.”